Source code for datatree.treenode

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import PurePosixPath
from typing import (

from xarray.core.utils import Frozen, is_dict_like

    from xarray.core.types import T_DataArray

[docs]class InvalidTreeError(Exception): """Raised when user attempts to create an invalid tree in some way."""
[docs]class NotFoundInTreeError(ValueError): """Raised when operation can't be completed because one node is part of the expected tree."""
class NodePath(PurePosixPath): """Represents a path from one node to another within a tree.""" def __init__(self, *pathsegments): if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): super().__init__(*pathsegments) else: super().__new__(PurePosixPath, *pathsegments) if raise ValueError("NodePaths cannot have drives") if self.root not in ["/", ""]: raise ValueError( 'Root of NodePath can only be either "/" or "", with "" meaning the path is relative.' ) # TODO should we also forbid suffixes to avoid node names with dots in them? Tree = TypeVar("Tree", bound="TreeNode") class TreeNode(Generic[Tree]): """ Base class representing a node of a tree, with methods for traversing and altering the tree. This class stores no data, it has only parents and children attributes, and various methods. Stores child nodes in an Ordered Dictionary, which is necessary to ensure that equality checks between two trees also check that the order of child nodes is the same. Nodes themselves are intrinsically unnamed (do not possess a ._name attribute), but if the node has a parent you can find the key it is stored under via the .name property. The .parent attribute is read-only: to replace the parent using public API you must set this node as the child of a new parent using `new_parent.children[name] = child_node`, or to instead detach from the current parent use `child_node.orphan()`. This class is intended to be subclassed by DataTree, which will overwrite some of the inherited behaviour, in particular to make names an inherent attribute, and allow setting parents directly. The intention is to mirror the class structure of xarray.Variable & xarray.DataArray, where Variable is unnamed but DataArray is (optionally) named. Also allows access to any other node in the tree via unix-like paths, including upwards referencing via '../'. (This class is heavily inspired by the anytree library's NodeMixin class.) """ _parent: Optional[Tree] _children: OrderedDict[str, Tree] def __init__(self, children: Optional[Mapping[str, Tree]] = None): """Create a parentless node.""" self._parent = None self._children = OrderedDict() if children is not None: self.children = children @property def parent(self) -> Tree | None: """Parent of this node.""" return self._parent def _set_parent( self, new_parent: Tree | None, child_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: # TODO is it possible to refactor in a way that removes this private method? if new_parent is not None and not isinstance(new_parent, TreeNode): raise TypeError( "Parent nodes must be of type DataTree or None, " f"not type {type(new_parent)}" ) old_parent = self._parent if new_parent is not old_parent: self._check_loop(new_parent) self._detach(old_parent) self._attach(new_parent, child_name) def _check_loop(self, new_parent: Tree | None) -> None: """Checks that assignment of this new parent will not create a cycle.""" if new_parent is not None: if new_parent is self: raise InvalidTreeError( f"Cannot set parent, as node {self} cannot be a parent of itself." ) if self._is_descendant_of(new_parent): raise InvalidTreeError( "Cannot set parent, as intended parent is already a descendant of this node." ) def _is_descendant_of(self, node: Tree) -> bool: return any(n is self for n in node.parents) def _detach(self, parent: Tree | None) -> None: if parent is not None: self._pre_detach(parent) parents_children = parent.children parent._children = OrderedDict( { name: child for name, child in parents_children.items() if child is not self } ) self._parent = None self._post_detach(parent) def _attach(self, parent: Tree | None, child_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if parent is not None: if child_name is None: raise ValueError( "To directly set parent, child needs a name, but child is unnamed" ) self._pre_attach(parent) parentchildren = parent._children assert not any( child is self for child in parentchildren ), "Tree is corrupt." parentchildren[child_name] = self self._parent = parent self._post_attach(parent) else: self._parent = None def orphan(self) -> None: """Detach this node from its parent.""" self._set_parent(new_parent=None) @property def children(self: Tree) -> Mapping[str, Tree]: """Child nodes of this node, stored under a mapping via their names.""" return Frozen(self._children) @children.setter def children(self: Tree, children: Mapping[str, Tree]) -> None: self._check_children(children) children = OrderedDict(children) old_children = self.children del self.children try: self._pre_attach_children(children) for name, child in children.items(): child._set_parent(new_parent=self, child_name=name) self._post_attach_children(children) assert len(self.children) == len(children) except Exception: # if something goes wrong then revert to previous children self.children = old_children raise @children.deleter def children(self) -> None: # TODO this just detaches all the children, it doesn't actually delete them... children = self.children self._pre_detach_children(children) for child in self.children.values(): child.orphan() assert len(self.children) == 0 self._post_detach_children(children) @staticmethod def _check_children(children: Mapping[str, Tree]) -> None: """Check children for correct types and for any duplicates.""" if not is_dict_like(children): raise TypeError( "children must be a dict-like mapping from names to node objects" ) seen = set() for name, child in children.items(): if not isinstance(child, TreeNode): raise TypeError( f"Cannot add object {name}. It is of type {type(child)}, " "but can only add children of type DataTree" ) childid = id(child) if childid not in seen: seen.add(childid) else: raise InvalidTreeError( f"Cannot add same node {name} multiple times as different children." ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"TreeNode(children={dict(self._children)})" def _pre_detach_children(self: Tree, children: Mapping[str, Tree]) -> None: """Method call before detaching `children`.""" pass def _post_detach_children(self: Tree, children: Mapping[str, Tree]) -> None: """Method call after detaching `children`.""" pass def _pre_attach_children(self: Tree, children: Mapping[str, Tree]) -> None: """Method call before attaching `children`.""" pass def _post_attach_children(self: Tree, children: Mapping[str, Tree]) -> None: """Method call after attaching `children`.""" pass def _iter_parents(self: Tree) -> Iterator[Tree]: """Iterate up the tree, starting from the current node.""" node: Tree | None = self.parent while node is not None: yield node node = node.parent def iter_lineage(self: Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]: """Iterate up the tree, starting from the current node.""" from warnings import warn warn( "`iter_lineage` has been deprecated, and in the future will raise an error." "Please use `parents` from now on.", DeprecationWarning, ) return tuple((self, *self.parents)) @property def lineage(self: Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]: """All parent nodes and their parent nodes, starting with the closest.""" from warnings import warn warn( "`lineage` has been deprecated, and in the future will raise an error." "Please use `parents` from now on.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.iter_lineage() @property def parents(self: Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]: """All parent nodes and their parent nodes, starting with the closest.""" return tuple(self._iter_parents()) @property def ancestors(self: Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]: """All parent nodes and their parent nodes, starting with the most distant.""" from warnings import warn warn( "`ancestors` has been deprecated, and in the future will raise an error." "Please use `parents`. Example: `tuple(reversed(node.parents))`", DeprecationWarning, ) return tuple((*reversed(self.parents), self)) @property def root(self: Tree) -> Tree: """Root node of the tree""" node = self while node.parent is not None: node = node.parent return node @property def is_root(self) -> bool: """Whether this node is the tree root.""" return self.parent is None @property def is_leaf(self) -> bool: """ Whether this node is a leaf node. Leaf nodes are defined as nodes which have no children. """ return self.children == {} @property def leaves(self: Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]: """ All leaf nodes. Leaf nodes are defined as nodes which have no children. """ return tuple([node for node in self.subtree if node.is_leaf]) @property def siblings(self: Tree) -> OrderedDict[str, Tree]: """ Nodes with the same parent as this node. """ if self.parent: return OrderedDict( { name: child for name, child in self.parent.children.items() if child is not self } ) else: return OrderedDict() @property def subtree(self: Tree) -> Iterator[Tree]: """ An iterator over all nodes in this tree, including both self and all descendants. Iterates depth-first. See Also -------- DataTree.descendants """ from . import iterators return iterators.PreOrderIter(self) @property def descendants(self: Tree) -> Tuple[Tree, ...]: """ Child nodes and all their child nodes. Returned in depth-first order. See Also -------- DataTree.subtree """ all_nodes = tuple(self.subtree) this_node, *descendants = all_nodes return tuple(descendants) @property def level(self: Tree) -> int: """ Level of this node. Level means number of parent nodes above this node before reaching the root. The root node is at level 0. Returns ------- level : int See Also -------- depth width """ return len(self.parents) @property def depth(self: Tree) -> int: """ Maximum level of this tree. Measured from the root, which has a depth of 0. Returns ------- depth : int See Also -------- level width """ return max(node.level for node in self.root.subtree) @property def width(self: Tree) -> int: """ Number of nodes at this level in the tree. Includes number of immediate siblings, but also "cousins" in other branches and so-on. Returns ------- depth : int See Also -------- level depth """ return len([node for node in self.root.subtree if node.level == self.level]) def _pre_detach(self: Tree, parent: Tree) -> None: """Method call before detaching from `parent`.""" pass def _post_detach(self: Tree, parent: Tree) -> None: """Method call after detaching from `parent`.""" pass def _pre_attach(self: Tree, parent: Tree) -> None: """Method call before attaching to `parent`.""" pass def _post_attach(self: Tree, parent: Tree) -> None: """Method call after attaching to `parent`.""" pass def get(self: Tree, key: str, default: Optional[Tree] = None) -> Optional[Tree]: """ Return the child node with the specified key. Only looks for the node within the immediate children of this node, not in other nodes of the tree. """ if key in self.children: return self.children[key] else: return default # TODO `._walk` method to be called by both `_get_item` and `_set_item` def _get_item(self: Tree, path: str | NodePath) -> Union[Tree, T_DataArray]: """ Returns the object lying at the given path. Raises a KeyError if there is no object at the given path. """ if isinstance(path, str): path = NodePath(path) if path.root: current_node = self.root root, *parts = list( else: current_node = self parts = list( for part in parts: if part == "..": if current_node.parent is None: raise KeyError(f"Could not find node at {path}") else: current_node = current_node.parent elif part in ("", "."): pass else: if current_node.get(part) is None: raise KeyError(f"Could not find node at {path}") else: current_node = current_node.get(part) return current_node def _set(self: Tree, key: str, val: Tree) -> None: """ Set the child node with the specified key to value. Counterpart to the public .get method, and also only works on the immediate node, not other nodes in the tree. """ new_children = {**self.children, key: val} self.children = new_children def _set_item( self: Tree, path: str | NodePath, item: Union[Tree, T_DataArray], new_nodes_along_path: bool = False, allow_overwrite: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Set a new item in the tree, overwriting anything already present at that path. The given value either forms a new node of the tree or overwrites an existing item at that location. Parameters ---------- path item new_nodes_along_path : bool If true, then if necessary new nodes will be created along the given path, until the tree can reach the specified location. allow_overwrite : bool Whether or not to overwrite any existing node at the location given by path. Raises ------ KeyError If node cannot be reached, and new_nodes_along_path=False. Or if a node already exists at the specified path, and allow_overwrite=False. """ if isinstance(path, str): path = NodePath(path) if not raise ValueError("Can't set an item under a path which has no name") if path.root: # absolute path current_node = self.root root, *parts, name = else: # relative path current_node = self *parts, name = if parts: # Walk to location of new node, creating intermediate node objects as we go if necessary for part in parts: if part == "..": if current_node.parent is None: # We can't create a parent if `new_nodes_along_path=True` as we wouldn't know what to name it raise KeyError(f"Could not reach node at path {path}") else: current_node = current_node.parent elif part in ("", "."): pass else: if part in current_node.children: current_node = current_node.children[part] elif new_nodes_along_path: # Want child classes (i.e. DataTree) to populate tree with their own types new_node = type(self)() current_node._set(part, new_node) current_node = current_node.children[part] else: raise KeyError(f"Could not reach node at path {path}") if name in current_node.children: # Deal with anything already existing at this location if allow_overwrite: current_node._set(name, item) else: raise KeyError(f"Already a node object at path {path}") else: current_node._set(name, item) def __delitem__(self: Tree, key: str): """Remove a child node from this tree object.""" if key in self.children: child = self._children[key] del self._children[key] child.orphan() else: raise KeyError("Cannot delete") def same_tree(self, other: Tree) -> bool: """True if other node is in the same tree as this node.""" return self.root is other.root class NamedNode(TreeNode, Generic[Tree]): """ A TreeNode which knows its own name. Implements path-like relationships to other nodes in its tree. """ _name: Optional[str] _parent: Optional[Tree] _children: OrderedDict[str, Tree] def __init__(self, name=None, children=None): super().__init__(children=children) self._name = None = name @property def name(self) -> str | None: """The name of this node.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name: str | None) -> None: if name is not None: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("node name must be a string or None") if "/" in name: raise ValueError("node names cannot contain forward slashes") self._name = name def __str__(self) -> str: return f"NamedNode({})" if else "NamedNode()" def _post_attach(self: NamedNode, parent: NamedNode) -> None: """Ensures child has name attribute corresponding to key under which it has been stored.""" key = next(k for k, v in parent.children.items() if v is self) = key @property def path(self) -> str: """Return the file-like path from the root to this node.""" if self.is_root: return "/" else: root, *ancestors = tuple(reversed(self.parents)) # don't include name of root because (a) root might not have a name & (b) we want path relative to root. names = [*( for node in ancestors),] return "/" + "/".join(names) def relative_to(self: NamedNode, other: NamedNode) -> str: """ Compute the relative path from this node to node `other`. If other is not in this tree, or it's otherwise impossible, raise a ValueError. """ if not self.same_tree(other): raise NotFoundInTreeError( "Cannot find relative path because nodes do not lie within the same tree" ) this_path = NodePath(self.path) if other.path in list(parent.path for parent in (self, *self.parents)): return str(this_path.relative_to(other.path)) else: common_ancestor = self.find_common_ancestor(other) path_to_common_ancestor = other._path_to_ancestor(common_ancestor) return str( path_to_common_ancestor / this_path.relative_to(common_ancestor.path) ) def find_common_ancestor(self, other: NamedNode) -> NamedNode: """ Find the first common ancestor of two nodes in the same tree. Raise ValueError if they are not in the same tree. """ if self is other: return self other_paths = [op.path for op in other.parents] for parent in (self, *self.parents): if parent.path in other_paths: return parent raise NotFoundInTreeError( "Cannot find common ancestor because nodes do not lie within the same tree" ) def _path_to_ancestor(self, ancestor: NamedNode) -> NodePath: """Return the relative path from this node to the given ancestor node""" if not self.same_tree(ancestor): raise NotFoundInTreeError( "Cannot find relative path to ancestor because nodes do not lie within the same tree" ) if ancestor.path not in list(a.path for a in (self, *self.parents)): raise NotFoundInTreeError( "Cannot find relative path to ancestor because given node is not an ancestor of this node" ) parents_paths = list(parent.path for parent in (self, *self.parents)) generation_gap = list(parents_paths).index(ancestor.path) path_upwards = "../" * generation_gap if generation_gap > 0 else "." return NodePath(path_upwards)