Source code for

from xarray import Dataset, open_dataset

from .datatree import DataTree, NodePath

def _iter_zarr_groups(root, parent="/"):
    parent = NodePath(parent)
    for path, group in root.groups():
        gpath = parent / path
        yield str(gpath)
        yield from _iter_zarr_groups(group, parent=gpath)

def _iter_nc_groups(root, parent="/"):
    parent = NodePath(parent)
    for path, group in root.groups.items():
        gpath = parent / path
        yield str(gpath)
        yield from _iter_nc_groups(group, parent=gpath)

def _get_nc_dataset_class(engine):
    if engine == "netcdf4":
        from netCDF4 import Dataset  # type: ignore
    elif engine == "h5netcdf":
        from h5netcdf.legacyapi import Dataset  # type: ignore
    elif engine is None:
            from netCDF4 import Dataset
        except ImportError:
            from h5netcdf.legacyapi import Dataset  # type: ignore
        raise ValueError(f"unsupported engine: {engine}")
    return Dataset

[docs]def open_datatree(filename_or_obj, engine=None, **kwargs) -> DataTree: """ Open and decode a dataset from a file or file-like object, creating one Tree node for each group in the file. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str, Path, file-like, or DataStore Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file or Zarr store. engine : str, optional Xarray backend engine to us. Valid options include `{"netcdf4", "h5netcdf", "zarr"}`. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments passed to ``xarray.open_dataset`` for each group. Returns ------- DataTree """ if engine == "zarr": return _open_datatree_zarr(filename_or_obj, **kwargs) elif engine in [None, "netcdf4", "h5netcdf"]: return _open_datatree_netcdf(filename_or_obj, engine=engine, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported engine")
def _open_datatree_netcdf(filename: str, **kwargs) -> DataTree: ncDataset = _get_nc_dataset_class(kwargs.get("engine", None)) ds = open_dataset(filename, **kwargs) tree_root = DataTree.from_dict({"/": ds}) with ncDataset(filename, mode="r") as ncds: for path in _iter_nc_groups(ncds): subgroup_ds = open_dataset(filename, group=path, **kwargs) # TODO refactor to use __setitem__ once creation of new nodes by assigning Dataset works again node_name = NodePath(path).name new_node: DataTree = DataTree(name=node_name, data=subgroup_ds) tree_root._set_item( path, new_node, allow_overwrite=False, new_nodes_along_path=True, ) return tree_root def _open_datatree_zarr(store, **kwargs) -> DataTree: import zarr # type: ignore zds = zarr.open_group(store, mode="r") ds = open_dataset(store, engine="zarr", **kwargs) tree_root = DataTree.from_dict({"/": ds}) for path in _iter_zarr_groups(zds): try: subgroup_ds = open_dataset(store, engine="zarr", group=path, **kwargs) except zarr.errors.PathNotFoundError: subgroup_ds = Dataset() # TODO refactor to use __setitem__ once creation of new nodes by assigning Dataset works again node_name = NodePath(path).name new_node: DataTree = DataTree(name=node_name, data=subgroup_ds) tree_root._set_item( path, new_node, allow_overwrite=False, new_nodes_along_path=True, ) return tree_root def _create_empty_netcdf_group(filename, group, mode, engine): ncDataset = _get_nc_dataset_class(engine) with ncDataset(filename, mode=mode) as rootgrp: rootgrp.createGroup(group) def _datatree_to_netcdf( dt: DataTree, filepath, mode: str = "w", encoding=None, unlimited_dims=None, **kwargs, ): if kwargs.get("format", None) not in [None, "NETCDF4"]: raise ValueError("to_netcdf only supports the NETCDF4 format") engine = kwargs.get("engine", None) if engine not in [None, "netcdf4", "h5netcdf"]: raise ValueError("to_netcdf only supports the netcdf4 and h5netcdf engines") if kwargs.get("group", None) is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "specifying a root group for the tree has not been implemented" ) if not kwargs.get("compute", True): raise NotImplementedError("compute=False has not been implemented yet") if encoding is None: encoding = {} # In the future, we may want to expand this check to insure all the provided encoding # options are valid. For now, this simply checks that all provided encoding keys are # groups in the datatree. if set(encoding) - set(dt.groups): raise ValueError( f"unexpected encoding group name(s) provided: {set(encoding) - set(dt.groups)}" ) if unlimited_dims is None: unlimited_dims = {} for node in dt.subtree: ds = node.ds group_path = node.path if ds is None: _create_empty_netcdf_group(filepath, group_path, mode, engine) else: ds.to_netcdf( filepath, group=group_path, mode=mode, encoding=encoding.get(node.path), unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims.get(node.path), **kwargs, ) mode = "r+" def _create_empty_zarr_group(store, group, mode): import zarr # type: ignore root = zarr.open_group(store, mode=mode) root.create_group(group, overwrite=True) def _datatree_to_zarr( dt: DataTree, store, mode: str = "w-", encoding=None, consolidated: bool = True, **kwargs, ): from zarr.convenience import consolidate_metadata # type: ignore if kwargs.get("group", None) is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "specifying a root group for the tree has not been implemented" ) if not kwargs.get("compute", True): raise NotImplementedError("compute=False has not been implemented yet") if encoding is None: encoding = {} # In the future, we may want to expand this check to insure all the provided encoding # options are valid. For now, this simply checks that all provided encoding keys are # groups in the datatree. if set(encoding) - set(dt.groups): raise ValueError( f"unexpected encoding group name(s) provided: {set(encoding) - set(dt.groups)}" ) for node in dt.subtree: ds = node.ds group_path = node.path if ds is None: _create_empty_zarr_group(store, group_path, mode) else: ds.to_zarr( store, group=group_path, mode=mode, encoding=encoding.get(node.path), consolidated=False, **kwargs, ) if "w" in mode: mode = "a" if consolidated: consolidate_metadata(store)